20 Tips to grow a successful business - By Regan Harris

To mark our 20th anniversary, I have compiled a list of 20 valuable tips that I gained from my experiences over the years. Everything from the people you choose to work with to your management structures. I attribute our growth and success to the consistency of the 20 points below. 

1. Work with the right people 

Only employ the right people for your organisation. Take the time to ensure there's a meeting of minds and that they are simpatico with your brand. Our Practitioners come from a variety of industries with Valuable Skill Sets. We have the advantage of being able to draw from their legal, corporate client services, financial, project management, IT, coaching, and marketing experience to ensure we offer distinct and holistic solutions to our clientele.

2. Always be open to learn

As an active property practitioner I am able to assist in navigating issues my colleagues may encounter and understand the market first-hand. The learning never stops.

3. Easy access to legal advice

My open-door policy means that our Practitioners, countrywide and in Mauritius, have virtually instant access to my legal background and two decades of industry experience.

4. Self-motivated team

Our property practitioners operate their businesses under the agency umbrella. We don't have sales managers or targets, our Practitioners are autonomous and self-motivated.

5. No franchises! 

Hamilton's provides a supportive, owner-led infrastructure which means "the boutique experience" is understood and adopted nationally. You can rely on our service levels and professionalism irrespective of which office or Practitioner you encounter.

6. No top-heavy management 

We have avoided top-heavy management to respond quickly with customised solutions to our client's needs.

7. Micromanagement sucks - for everyone 

We deliberately choose to work with motivated professionals with initiative. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding!

8. Ignore trends

We do not position ourselves as a typical agency; we provide a service above and beyond what is expected of an agent. Doing something simply because others are doing it is not a good enough reason. Instead, is this a good fit for us?

9. Not all stock is good stock

We are highly selective of the calibre of properties we represent. Our brand is defined by our efforts to present our clients with the best.

10. Know your client

Be unique and distinctive. Our clients appreciate the finer things. And some also appreciate barefoot luxury. Adapting to the client is key.

11. Say no to stereotypes 

Practitioner stereotypes are an outdated cliché. We cultivate new breeds of professionals, each bringing something new to the party.

12. Tech is an essential tool 

We invest in it for the benefit of both our Practitioners and our clients. Whether it be through our marketing campaigns or our online presence. Tech is an invaluable tool in any industry.

13. Outsource specialised skills

We outsource specialised work, this allows us to concentrate on what we do best. Being a jack of all trades diluted the intrinsic value that we add. 

14.  Know when to ignore bad advice

Conventional wisdom isn't always correct. For example, "reverse copy won't work", we were told back in the era of newspaper advertising, which refers to white text on a black background. We ignored that advice, which has been an integral element of our branding ever since. Our brand's aesthetic simply speaks for itself.

15. Say less, listen more

"The house will sell itself", I have been saying to agents for years: our job is to listen to the brief from buyers, paying attention to the verbal and non-verbal cues and then matchmaking the home to the buyer. 

16. Realistic pricing is essential

We would prefer to decline an unrealistically priced property as it will only disappoint all parties concerned.

17. Combine perseverance with seeing the big picture

A specific listing took an extended time to sell. Persevering with that listing resulted in at least half-a-dozen sales to buyers who came to view that listing over the same period.

18. Be truthful

Dealing with what is often a client's most significant asset takes time, emotional neutrality, honesty, and integrity. All critical aspects of "the boutique experience". Give your client honest feedback at all times.

19. Add value, don't detract from the experience

Know your product better than anyone else, this will allow you to add real value to your client's journey. The Boutique Experience. On every level of engagement and through each transaction, we do our best to deliver the boutique experience. 

20. Gratitude

In reflecting on the last 20 years, gratitude is essential to success. Take the time to reflect on what you have achieved and the people who have helped you along the way.

In closing, I want to leave you with one of my favourite quotes.
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein 

Read our previous article here

Contact one of our offices below; we look forward to hearing from you:
Gauteng: 011 463 0155
Cape Town: 021 418 0328 
Garden Route: 044 050 3295
Eastern Cape: 076 927 7787
Winelands: 021 863 0551
Mauritius: +230 5723 0369
Email: reception@hamiltons.co.za

Hamilton's Property Portfolio holds a Fidelity Fund Certificate issued by the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority.

03 May 2023
Author Regan Harris
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