Organic Lifestyle

Making lifestyle changes of any kind offers up interesting challenges to say the least, and none more so than when choosing a more organic way of living. We've highlighted a few of the most important tips to help you navigate the process. 
Value & Carbon Footprints
While the cost of fully certified organic food and other goods is often higher due to the different methods required to produce them, the value in choosing to consume non-chemically sprayed and 'un-modified' items may be priceless. Vast amounts of research into the effects on the human body have shown there is a great benefit to eating foods that are grown and prepared in the most natural ways possible. Growing your own vegetables adds huge health benefits and reduces the carbon footprint of your food. And don't forget the great Vitamin D boost you'll get from tending to your garden too.
Make sure to read the labelling on the products you want to switch to very carefully. Manufacturers are increasingly adding buzzwords like "Natural" and 'Organic' to their products, when in fact they only contain a small percentage of truly organic or natural ingredients. Finding fully certified organic products does take more time to source legitimate items, but is surely worth it to get the health benefits. 
Keeping organic foods and products after you have bought them is also a process that requires some change. Because organic goods don't have the same chemicals and preservatives as their alternatives do, they will decompose and break down faster. This is great, for your body, as the food is easily digested and absorbed into your system. Certain foods enhance the ripening of others, while some help to keep them for longer. Read this article for some great advice on storing your goodies here
The Bigger Picture 
Organic farming is crucial for the environment as a whole. It is actually a process we have followed for most of humanity's existence, where we have only recently shifted to a chemical-centric system over the past century. Consuming foods that are as natural as possible is vital for us to have strong immune systems, supporting the development of children, and to help slow the ageing process. Have a look at a great link for full analysis on going organic here.

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01 Apr 2019
Author Lisa
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